contact egypt post - Egyptian Post Customer Service

It's very easy to know the Postal Code for the nearest post office to you.

What's My Postal Code Without Searching?

    It is possible to communicate easily with the Egyptian Postal Authority by the following telephones:

    Egyptian Post Call Center 

    Hotline: 16789

    Telephone : 08008002800

    Contact from outside Egypt: 002235315900

    Egyptian Post Call Center Working Hours 

    Saturday to Thursday: 8am to 10pm

    Friday and public holidays: 10am to 7pm

    Egyptian Post Customer Service Working Hours

    Sunday to Thursday: 8 am to 5 pm

    Thursday, Friday and Public Holidays: No Work

    You can also contact e-mail at the following link

    It should also be advised that The website is an unofficially site and does not follow the Egyptian Post Authority, but it provides you with a postal code service and Egyptian post offices in an easy way so you can find the nearest post office to you.