Abou Kabir Abou Kebeir Post Office

Postal Code For Abou Kabir Abou Kebeir

What's My Postal Code Without Searching?

the Abou Kabir Abou Kebeir post office is within the post offices of Sharkia province East Delta Sector . located in el tahrir st., Abou Kebeir and it's postal code is 44671 .

Zip Code 44671
Post Office Abou Kabir Abou Kebeir
Address el tahrir st., Abou Kebeir
Province Sharkia
Sector East Delta
Financial Number 10005
Telephone Number 055-3510193

Abou Kabir Abou Kebeir Post Office Work Times

the office operates Five Days a week from sunday to thursday except official holidays and close weekly on Friday and Saturday . the Abou Kabir Abou Kebeir post office works two shifts morning from 08:00 am Until two o'clock afternoon and an evening period from two o'clock until 06:00 pm .

Work Days From sunday To thursday
Work Times From 08:00 am To 06:00 pm

Nearest Post Offices

Abou Kabir Abou Kebeir Post Office Services

the office provides distinctive and comprehensive postal services like money transfer service and savings account and others . as well as the Abou Kabir Abou Kebeir post office features some other services like :

Incoming foreign transfers Cashing remittances from outside Egypt

Speed mail services Send and receive parcels as soon as possible

Internal remittance service Sending and receiving money through post offices in Egypt

Comprehensive window services One window to get what you need inside the post office


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