Kafr Saqr Kafr Sakr Post Office

Postal Code For Kafr Saqr Kafr Sakr

What's My Postal Code Without Searching?

the postal Number of the Kafr Saqr Kafr Sakr post office is 44681 and the Kafr Saqr Kafr Sakr post office is located at el nahda district , beside national bank of egypt , Kafr Sakr which is one of the post offices of the Sharkia province East Delta Sector .

Zip Code 44681
Post Office Kafr Saqr Kafr Sakr
Address el nahda district , beside national bank of egypt , Kafr Sakr
Province Sharkia
Sector East Delta
Financial Number 10042
Telephone Number 055-3186034

Kafr Saqr Kafr Sakr Post Office Work Times

the office operates Five Days a week from sunday to thursday except official holidays and close weekly on Saturday and Friday . the Kafr Saqr Kafr Sakr post office works only one period morning from 08:00 am to 03:00 pm .

Work Days From sunday To thursday
Work Times From 08:00 am To 03:00 pm

Nearest Post Offices

Kafr Saqr Kafr Sakr Post Office Services

the Kafr Saqr Kafr Sakr post office is distinguished by comprehensive and distinctive services such as :

Foreign remittance services You can receive remittances from abroad

The one window service Get all your work done with one window.

Speed mail services Send and receive parcels as soon as possible

Money transfer services Receive or send money through post offices

with traffic services such as paying traffic violations and civil status services like obtaining birth and death certificates as well as marriage and divorce in addition to all the usual services .

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