Military factories in Halwan Post Office

Postal Code For Military factories in Halwan

What's My Postal Code Without Searching?

the postal Number of the Military factories in Halwan post office is 11726 and the Military factories in Halwan post office is located at Within 99 military factory in Helwan which is one of the post offices of the Cairo governorate Great Cairo Sector .

Zip Code 11726
Post Office Military factories in Halwan
Address Within 99 military factory in Helwan
Province Cairo
Sector Great Cairo
Financial Number 1864
Telephone Number 02-25585374

Military factories in Halwan Post Office Work Times

the office works Five Days a week from sunday to thursday except public holidays and close weekly on Friday and Saturday . the Military factories in Halwan post office works one period morning from 08:00 am to 03:00 pm .

Work Days From sunday To thursday
Work Times From 08:00 am To 03:00 pm

Nearest Post Offices

Military factories in Halwan Post Office Services

the office distinguished by the provision of comprehensive and varied postal services like pension payment and postage stamp service and annual profit savings books and money transfer service in addition to

Incoming internal remittance service Cashing remittances from any other post office inside Egypt

the Military factories in Halwan post office also provides traffic services and civil status services and financial services .

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