Kafr Abu Najm Post Office

Postal Code For Kafr Abu Najm

What's My Postal Code Without Searching?

the Kafr Abu Najm post office is within the post offices of Sharkia province East Delta Sector . located in Abou Hammad Center and it's zip code is 47561 .

Zip Code 47561
Post Office Kafr Abu Najm
Address Abou Hammad Center
Province Sharkia
Sector East Delta
Financial Number 10607
Telephone Number No telephone

Kafr Abu Najm Post Office Work Times

the Kafr Abu Najm post office operates from saturday to thursday and close on Saturday with public holidays . The office receives its clients during only one shift morning from 08:00 am to 02:00 pm .

Work Days From saturday To thursday
Work Times From 08:00 am To 02:00 pm

Nearest Post Offices

Kafr Abu Najm Post Office Services

Kafr Abu Najm post office provides its services to all citizens such as Obtaining divorce and marriage certificates and annual profit savings books and money transfer service and Paying violations of cars and personal license and current account and stamps and pensions etc.

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