Tamiya _ subsidiary Post Office

Postal Code For Tamiya _ subsidiary

What's My Postal Code Without Searching?

the post office of Tamiya _ subsidiary is in The local unit building Tamiya Center and it's postal code is 63758 . the Tamiya _ subsidiary post office is one of Fayoum post offices - Giza Sector .

Zip Code 63758
Post Office Tamiya _ subsidiary
Address The local unit building Tamiya Center
Province Fayoum
Sector Giza
Financial Number 19061
Telephone Number 084-6613728

Tamiya _ subsidiary Post Office Work Times

the Tamiya _ subsidiary post office works only one period morning from 08:00 am to 03:00 pm from sunday to thursday and close Friday and Saturday with public holidays .

Work Days From sunday To thursday
Work Times From 08:00 am To 03:00 pm

Nearest Post Offices

Tamiya _ subsidiary Post Office Services

the office distinguished by the provision of distinctive and varied postal services like get a Visa Easy Pay card for government payments and savings account and remittances in addition to

Express and urgent mail services Receive and send mailing materials in a short time and track your shipment

the Tamiya _ subsidiary post office also provides traffic services and civil status services and financial services .

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