Samalot country Post Office

Postal Code For Samalot country

What's My Postal Code Without Searching?

the zip code of the Samalot country post office is 61669 and the Samalot country post office is located at Samalot country Fatima Zahra u which is one of the post offices of the Minya province Middle Egypt Sector .

Zip Code 61669
Post Office Samalot country
Address Samalot country Fatima Zahra u
Province Minya
Sector Middle Egypt
Financial Number 20122
Telephone Number 086-7715370

Samalot country Post Office Work Times

the Samalot country post office works from sunday to thursday and close on Friday and Saturday in addition to official holidays . The official opening hours in the office are one period morning from 08:00 am to 03:00 pm .

Work Days From sunday To thursday
Work Times From 08:00 am To 03:00 pm

Nearest Post Offices

Samalot country Post Office Services

Samalot country post office provides comprehensive and varied services to all customers including financial services such as pension payment and postage stamp service and annual profit savings books and money transfer service . as well as traffic services such as paying traffic violations and other services .

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